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Services for Children and Families

This is part of a series of pages that explain our services (healing methods) in greater detail. We hope you find them helpful. If you have any questions that these pages do not answer, email us, and we will answer you as soon as we can.

CreatIgo Method™ for Children
and Their Families

The CreatIgo Method is a collaborative, resourceful educational service designed to foster Empowerment, Acceptance, Thoughtful Improvisation, and Grounded Outcomes in families of children with differences.

The model is educational, therapeutic, and holistic. Rather than trying to "fix" the child through diagnosis and mainstreaming, Deborah models ways for families to accept and enjoy their child that, in turn, allow the child to adopt strategies that work.

Deborah focuses on the children as they exist within their families, schools, communities, and world. It matters to her that kids are set up for happy, successful lives and that their families are, too. Often, when kids are diagnosed with learning differences, families—including the child's sibling(s)—experience stress.

When your child comes in, all of your family members are invited to receive support, attention, and assistance. The point of focus won't be singular to the child's diagnosis or issues; it will be comprehensive, connecting the child (and you!) to the many wonderful, realistic possibilities that exist for happiness and success throughout each stage of life.

What happens during our session?

When you come in for a session, you will notice that the environment is atypical for an educator or specialist. Children love the whimsy of CreatIgo and begin to explore. Through their interactions with Deborah and the environment, she gets to know your child and discover their interests. Many times, their interests are social, physical, spiritual, or emotional. You might be surprised to learn what your child really thinks about!

Once your children connect with me through a conversation about topics of personal interest, Deborah listens, responds, coaches, prompts, and teaches. Rather than teaching your children "the rules," She role-models for them and positions herself in ways that cause your children to experience what it's like to find communication and social strategies that work from within.

From their perspective, we will simply be talking about something that interests them. By doing so, however, they will be learning about ways to become a good friend to others, react respectfully to authority figures, care for possessions and other people, prioritize, organize, self-regulate, manage energy, and protect themselves from negative criticism and negative emotions. In other words, they learn collaboration: how to assume an appropriate role that is authentic to who they are while simultaneously accepting and respecting someone else's role.

When your children learn this way, they are actively changing; they feel confident, worthy, and like it's possible to grow and change. Deborah often teaches children spiritual techniques, such as visualization and meditation, as a way to manage stressors (kids love these techniques).

You will find that Deborah won't constantly prompt, push, or try to change your children; instead, Deborah applies subtle techniques that work even more effectively. Be assured that you and Deborah are a team; our goals are one and the same, even if our strategies with your children are a bit different. By learning how to assume an effective role around her, they will have developed a framework for how to collaborate with many other types of adults and authority figures.

How many sessions do you recommend?

Since, for children, familiarity and trust breed openness for lasting change, Deborah recommends that you commit to a regimen of sessions that last two months or more.

After our first visit, Deborah can make a recommendation for you as to an immediate plan. If your child or family is experiencing a situation that is urgent, we can meet as-needed, up to twice a week, until the situation is resolved. In most cases, though, she would recommend a once-a-week session for a period of 4 to 12 weeks. Once our first-round of sessions is complete, your child should see me once a month and as-needed.

For your convenience, sessions are scheduled for after-school and weekend hours, with daytime availability during school breaks.

How much do Creatigo sessions for children cost?

Deborah realizes that the economic cost of raising a child with any kind of differences can pose a challenge; She is humbled by the efforts of wonderful families to support their children. Be assured that fees are moderate and that my service is of the highest quality; the charge is by the hour, regardless of how many children are present for the session.  Group services will be offered at even more affordable rates in the future. 

Individual sessions are $90. This cost reflects preparation and individualization, a session with your child, and communication with parents/caregivers outside of the session. Packages of 3 sessions or more that are paid for on the same day are offered at a discount. 

When do you recommend a family work with us?

Please enroll your child if he or she is in one of the following situations:

  1. When they are very little, but are already exhibiting behavior that is challenging for the family, including fighting, hitting, inattentiveness, or low self-esteem. These are kids that you believe might be diagnosed or in socially difficult situations once they are school-aged.

  2. When a school-aged child's behavior or social skills create challenges: academically, behaviorally, socially, and/or emotionally.

  3. When the family is overwhelmed by the difficulties it faces collaborating with this child.

  4. When your child is transitioning into a new phase of life or moving up from one level of school to another.

  5. When your child develops romantic feelings for others, begins dating, or seems perplexed about gender or sexual orientation.

  6. When your child begins considering job or career options, either as an after-school/summer commitment, or as a post-high school/college path.

  7. When your child shows sensitivity and interest in metaphysical or spiritual topics, including thoughts about the afterlife.

  8. When your child seems overly sensitive, either to others' criticism or to the emotions of others, almost as if they are a sponge.

  9. When your child appears to feel out of place in a typical academic or social environment.

  10. When you could use a new perspective on your child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP), including better solutions that you could suggest at your child's next IEP meeting.

If you have any questions about whether or not Debbee would be a good resource for you and your child, please email Deborah at or call or text (401)702-2072.





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