What is a Playgroup?
Playing is an important part of life, no matter how old you are.
Wait....what is a playgroup?
Words matter....literally. What feeling do you get when you say or hear the word "playgroup" vs. "workshop?" I'm guessing that you think of a bunch of young people playing. Playing involves fun, games, imagination, discovery, and relaxation. We are more open to new things. We can be curious and naturally bring the creative and logical sides of the brain together. Allowing deeper access to inner wisdom and solutions.
Playing is an important part of life, no matter how old you are. When we get older playing looks different. Adults change the word "play" to hobby, sports (golf, soccer, basketball), and other games. Sometimes, people forget to play; they forget what is fun. During the last couple of years, it has been harder to remember. Let us help you remember.
At CreatIgo, we value our playgroups. While you have fun learning, we want you to feel safe and respected. (CreatIgo recognizes) These methods are not meant to replace allopathic medicine or traditional school but to enhance or add to them.

